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·The Departure钢琴谱-Max Richter
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Yes Girl钢琴谱-Bea Miller

来源:吉他谱  发布时间:2023-03-17 18:03:05  

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吉他谱屋为您搜集Yes Girl钢琴谱-Bea Miller,仅供交流学习。

Yes Girl-Bea Miller五线谱预览1

Yes Girl-Bea Miller五线谱预览2

Yes Girl-Bea Miller五线谱预览3

Yes Girl是由出生于1999年的美国唱作人和演员Beatrice Miller于5月20日发行的单曲。她参加了美版《X音素》第2季,成绩排名第9位。

Beatrice Miller,美国歌手、演员。最为人熟知的身份是X音素(美国版)第二季十六强选手,属Teens(少年组)组别,导师为Britney Spears。嗓音清澈、沙哑,歌声情感真挚,台风自然纯粹,独具特色。

歌词下方是Yes Girl钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。

Yes Girl歌词:

I'll tell you what you wanna hear


'Cause the truth is always in the way


I never wanna live in fear


I don't wanna hold back all the things I need to say


Saaaay saaaay

这次不想了 再也不想了

I've got you figured out, you need to have control

我想你已经明白了 你就是个控制狂

You think that I don't know, I know you, I know you

你以为我傻到看不出来 其实我知道 我一直知道

Tryna tell you now I've been doing what you want

想告诉你 我其实一直对你言听计从

But I won't be your Yes Girl, no, not anymore

但是我不想再那样做了 再也不想

Just let me go, hey! Just let me go, hey!

放过我吧 放我走吧

I won't be your Yes Girl, no, not anymore

我不想再任你摆布 再也不想

Just let me go, just let me go

放过我吧 放我走吧

I won't be your Yes Girl, no, not anymore

我不想再听进去你的话 再也不想

Used to always let me in,


Do you even know you've changed?


Now you're my favorite sin


That's not mean that all your side you are not away


Oooh ooooh ooooh

你是真傻 还是装傻

I've got you figured out, you need to have control

我想你已经明白了 那么你还是省省吧

You think that I don't know, I know you, I know you

你以为我傻到看不出来 其实我知道 我一直知道

Tryna tell you now I've been doing what you want

想告诉你 我其实一直对你言听计从

But I won't be your Yes Girl, no, not anymore

但是我不想再那样做了 再也不想

Just let me go, hey! Just let me go, hey!

放过我吧 放我走吧

I won't be your Yes Girl, no, not anymore

我不想再任你摆布 再也不想

Just let me go, just let me go

放过我吧 放我走吧

I won't be your Yes Girl, no, not anymore

我不会再听进去你的话 再也不会

I won't do it anymore


I won't do it anymore


I've got you figured out, you need to have control

我想你已经明白了 那么你还是省省吧

You think that I don't know, I know you, I know you

你以为我傻到看不出来 其实我知道 我一直知道

Tryna tell you now I've been doing what you want

想告诉你 我一直试着维护我们的感情

But I won't be your Yes Girl, no, not anymore

但是我不会再那样做了 再也不会

Just let me go! Just let me go!

放过我吧 放我走吧

I won't be your Yes Girl, no, not anymore

我不会再任你摆布 再也不会

Just let me go, just let me go

放过我吧 放我走吧

I won't be your Yes Girl, no, not anymore

我们分手吧 分手吧

以上就是吉他谱屋为您提供的Yes Girl钢琴谱-Bea Miller。

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