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·The Departure钢琴谱-Max Richter
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Heaven-Niall Horan钢琴谱

来源:吉他谱  发布时间:2023-04-08 12:02:53  

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吉他谱屋为您搜集Heaven-Niall Horan钢琴谱,仅供交流学习。

新作《Heaven》由Niall Horan与Joel Little、John Ryan、Tobias Jesso Jr.三位知名的“金曲制造机”共同创作而成,延续了Niall音乐版图之中温柔与浪漫的绝佳氛围。

且此曲收录在Niall Horan的第三张录音室专辑《The Show》中。当谈到歌曲的创作灵感时,Niall Horan表示当代生活中的人们似乎总是执着于在不同年龄段完成各种目标,而他希望人们在《Heaven》之中可以忘却这些令人不悦的忧虑,尽情享受当下并寻找快乐与美好。 Heaven歌词:

Strange light revolves around you
You float across the room
Your touch is made of something
Heaven can't hold a candle to
You're made of something new
Let's not get complicated
Let's just enjoy the view
It's hard to be a human
So much to put an answer to
But that's just what we do
God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts to grow out of control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same
I'm having revelations
You dance across the floor
Beyond infatuation
How I obsessively adore you
That's what I do
I believe I believe
I could die in your kiss
No it doesn't get doesn't get
Better than this
God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts to grow out of control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same
God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts to grow out of control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same
Heaven won't be the same
I believe I believe
I could die in your kiss
No it doesn't get doesn't get
Better than better than this
God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts to grow out of control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same
God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts to grow out of control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same

以上就是吉他谱屋为您提供的Heaven-Niall Horan钢琴谱。

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