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·The Departure钢琴谱-Max Richter
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Rises the Moon钢琴谱-Liana Flores

来源:吉他谱  发布时间:2023-04-08 12:02:55  

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吉他谱屋为您搜集Rises the Moon钢琴谱-Liana Flores,仅供交流学习。

Rises the Moon-Liana Flores五线谱预览1

Rises the Moon-Liana Flores五线谱预览2

Rises the Moon-Liana Flores五线谱预览3

Rises the Moon》是创作歌手Liana Flores演唱的一首歌曲,收录在其2019年发行的EP专辑《Recently》。

Rises the Moon》在TikTok的世界里真的是现象级歌曲,在 Spotify 上播放了上亿次,在 YouTube 上有超过 200 个翻唱或混音版本,甚至有人专门建立了以歌曲命名的播放列表,但原唱Liana Flores最新单曲的播放量却并不高,大概这就是“歌红人不红”吧。


Rises the Moon歌词:


Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end

Sun digs it's heels to taunt you

But after sunlit days one thing stays the same

Rises the moon

Days fade into a watercolour blur

Memories swim and haunt you

But look into the lake shimmering like smoke

Rises the moon

Oh close your weary eyes

I promise you that soon the autumn comes

To darken fading Summer skies

Breathe breathe breathe

Days pull you down just like a sinking ship

Floating is getting harder

But tread the water child and know that meanwhile

Rises the moon

Days pull you up just like a daffodil

Uprooted from it's garden

They'll tell you what you owe but know even so

Rises the moon

You'll be visited by sleep

I promise you that soon the autumn comes

To steal away each dream you keep

Breathe breathe breathe

以上就是吉他谱屋为您提供的Rises the Moon钢琴谱-Liana Flores。

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