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·The Departure钢琴谱-Max Richter
·The Departure钢琴谱-Max Richter
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The Second Star to the Right钢琴谱-Sammy Fain

来源:吉他谱  发布时间:2023-06-06 09:28:06  

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吉他谱屋为您搜集The Second Star to the Right钢琴谱-Sammy Fain,仅供交流学习。

The Second Star to the Right-小飞侠主题曲-Disney迪士尼伴你入睡五线谱预览1

The Second Star to the Right-小飞侠主题曲-Disney迪士尼伴你入睡五线谱预览2

The Second Star to the Right-小飞侠主题曲-Disney迪士尼伴你入睡五线谱预览3

The Second Star to the Right-小飞侠主题曲-Disney迪士尼伴你入睡五线谱预览4

《The Second Star to the Right》是迪士尼第14部经典动画长片《小飞侠》(英语:Peter Pan)的主题曲,由作曲家Sammy Fain作曲,The Jud Conlon Chorus和The Mellomen演唱。

电影《小飞侠》改编自苏格兰文学及剧作家詹姆斯•马修•巴利所编著的小说《彼得•潘》,讲述了小飞侠彼得•潘和温蒂、约翰、迈克这三个小伙伴们一起去梦幻岛冒险,以及与海盗们斗志斗勇的故事。DVD由博伟在台湾发行,VCD由中录德加拉在中国大陆发行。小飞侠的续集《梦不落帝国》(Return to Never Land)由迪士尼在2002年推出。


The Second Star to the Right歌词:


The second star to the right

Shines in the night for you

To tell you that the dreams you plan

Really can come true

The second star to the right

Shines with a light so rare

And if it's Never Land you need

Its light will lead you there

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

So we'll know where you are

Gleaming in the skies above

Lead us to the land we dream of

And when our journey is through

Each time we say "Goodnight"

We'll thank the little star that shines

The second from the right

以上就是吉他谱屋为您提供的The Second Star to the Right钢琴谱-Sammy Fain。

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