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·The Departure钢琴谱-Max Richter
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Nothings Gonna Change My Love for You钢琴谱-George Benson

来源:吉他谱  发布时间:2023-06-22 10:54:22  

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吉他谱屋为您搜集Nothings Gonna Change My Love for You钢琴谱-George Benson,仅供交流学习。

Nothings Gonna Change My Love for You-廊桥遗梦五线谱预览1

Nothings Gonna Change My Love for You-廊桥遗梦五线谱预览2

Nothings Gonna Change My Love for You-廊桥遗梦五线谱预览3

Nothings Gonna Change My Love for You-廊桥遗梦五线谱预览4

Nothings Gonna Change My Love for You-廊桥遗梦五线谱预览5

是经典爱情片《廊桥遗梦》主题曲。这首歌演唱版本众多(Westlife、杜德伟等等)。原唱是黑人爵士乐手George Benson,令人遗憾的是,在他唱的时候没有走红(而多年以后经过其他歌手多次的翻唱而风靡全球)。那略带沙哑,又充满悲伤的声音,感动着每一位用心聆听人。目前全球范围内流传度最广泛的版本是西城男孩版。


Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You此曲最高爬到了全美单曲排行榜第12位,但在海外的英国,法国和德国都拿到了冠军,这首歌在包括台湾省在内的整个中国也是红遍大街小巷。

Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You歌词:


If I had to live my life without you near me

The days would all be empty

The nights would seem so long

With you I see forever oh so clearly

I might have been in love before

But it never felt this strong

Our dreams are young And we both know

they'll take us where we want to go

Hold me now

Touch me now

I don't want to live without you

Nothing's gonna change my love for you

You oughta know by now how much I love you

One thing you can be sure of

I'll never ask for more than your love

Nothing's gonna change my love for you

You oughta know by now how much I love you

The world may change my whole life through

But nothing's gonna change my love for you

If the road ahead is not so easy,

Our love will lead the way for us

Just like a guiding star

I'll be there for you if you should need me

You don't have to change a thing

I love you just the way you are

So come with me and share the view

I'll help you see forever too

Hold me now

Touch me now

I don't want to live without you

Nothing's gonna change my love for you

You oughta know by now how much I love you

One thing you can be sure of

I'll never ask for more than your love

Nothing's gonna change my love for you

You oughta know by now how much I love you

The world may change my whole life through

But nothing's gonna change my love for you

Nothing's gonna change my love for you

You oughta know by now how much I love you

One thing you can be sure of

I'll never ask for more than your love

Nothing's gonna change my love for you

You oughta know by now how much I love you

The world may change my whole life through

But nothing's gonna change my love for you

以上就是吉他谱屋为您提供的Nothings Gonna Change My Love for You钢琴谱-George Benson。

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