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Smoke on the Water钢琴谱-Deep Purple

来源:吉他谱  发布时间:2023-07-26 13:30:12  

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吉他谱屋为您搜集Smoke on the Water钢琴谱-Deep Purple,仅供交流学习。

Smoke on the Water-Deep Purple五线谱预览1

Smoke on the Water-Deep Purple五线谱预览2

Smoke on the Water-Deep Purple五线谱预览3

Smoke on the Water-Deep Purple五线谱预览4

《Smoke on the Water》不仅是Deep Purple(深紫乐队)最有名的歌曲,而且也是最著名的摇滚歌曲之一。简单而抓耳的吉他节奏,令其深受乐迷喜爱。

在2004年,滚石杂志评出的“历史上最伟大的500首歌曲”中,《Smoke on the Water》位列第434位。



1971年12月,乐队最终选定了瑞士的蒙特勒赌场,还租用了滚石乐队的移动录音室。就在演出歌曲《King Kong》的时候,一个观众用信号枪,对着木质的屋顶开枪,随即点燃了屋顶。火越烧越大,场面也开始变得混乱。

由于人群拥挤,很多观众都遭到推耸,乐队主唱Frank Zappa也因此受伤,坐了整整一年的轮椅。就在大家成功逃出后不久,火焰窜到了中央供暖系统,并引起大爆炸,整个赌场都被炸成废墟。万幸的是,虽然有很多轻伤的伤员,但没有人因火灾离世。

后来的一天,刚起床的贝斯手Roger Glover毫无征兆地大声喊了一句“Smoke on the water!”。而主唱Ian Gilan听到这句话,突然来了灵感,于是把事故的经历写成了歌词,这就是后来的《Smoke on the Water》。



Smoke on the Water歌词:


We all came out to Montreux

On the lake Geneva shoreline

To make records with a mobile

We didn't have much time

Frank Zappa and the Mothers

Were at the best place around

But some stupid with a flare gun

Burned the place to the ground

Smoke on the water fire in the sky

Smoke on the water

They burned down the gambling house

It died with an awful sound

Funky Claude was running in and out

Pulling kids out the ground

When it all was over

We had to find another place

But Swiss time was running out

It seemed that we would lose the race

Smoke on the water fire in the sky

Smoke on the water

We ended up at the Grand Hotel

It was empty cold and bare

But with the rolling truck

Stones thing just outside

Making our music there

With a few red lights and a few old beds

We make a place to sweat

No matter what we get out of this

I know I know we'll never forget

Smoke on the water fire in the sky

Smoke on the water

以上就是吉他谱屋为您提供的Smoke on the Water钢琴谱-Deep Purple。

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